Monday, April 21, 2008

Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School

Never before has there been such an amazing way to get college credit. Costa Rica Rain Forest Outward Bound School creates the possibility to explore the great outdoors and receive college credit.

I went on an 8 day Outward Bound Course in Costa Rica and absolutely loved it. There are week long programs to semester long programs, all offering the opportunity to test your personal limits and explore the beautiful country of Costa Rica. The trips include rappelling, white water rafting, kayaking, surfing, hiking, and community service projects. You get to interact with locals and meet a great group of people.

Pura vida!

1 comment:

Dorsey said...

That is so cool- I dont think I would ever have the guts to go on an outward bound trip especially in Costa Rica- I'm scared of all their ferocious animals. Crocodiles and such. And dont they have the dreaded ferdilance?