Let me ask you two simple questions:
1. Are you between the ages of 18 and 22?
2. Do you have between $69-$99?
Well good news, my friend, your airplane is waiting!
Through their special AirtranU program geared exclusively to college students, Airtran Airways provides one-way, standby flights for $69 anywhere in the United States**. All you have to do is show up at an airport with CARRY ON luggage, pay $69.00, and if their is room on the airplane, you are on your way. You can check out http://www.airtranu.com to get more information, but here are a few more tricks they might not tell you:
1. Call airtran in advance (1-800-air-tran press 0 to get to a real person right away) to see how many seats are available on the flight you select. Get seating availability for a few flights the day(s) you plan on traveling to save time. If there are more than 5 or 6, you will most likely get on your flight (unless some crazy weather or airport malfunction occurs).
2. Be Flexible! Most flights early in the morning or late at night have more open seats, try traveling in off peak hours.
3. If you are planning a round trip excursion, make sure that their are seats available on the day you want to return as well!
So my procrastinating compadres, think a 24 hour SLC was the best thing that has ever happened to you? Think again: Airtran lets you travel last minute which is WAAY cooler than studying... duh.
**Flights to/from San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Seattle, or Denver are considered long-haul segments, and cost $99* per segment.